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Articles (11-20 of 154)

Health Insurance Costs Explained

Have you ever taken a moment to have someone explain health insurance costs to you? We know that health insurance costs just keep going up and up, but how do these spiraling costs affect your health insurance coverage?

The Health Insurance Claims Process

Having health insurance is one thing, but what happens when you need to file a health insurance claim? Unfortunately, there's no one straightforward answer to this question. The reason is because every type of health insurance plan generally includes its own way of handling claims.

Individual vs Family Health Insurance Plans

With the ever-growing cost of health care in the USA, finding the right health insurance plan that fits into your budget isn't always easy. Knowing what you need to accomplish with a health insurance plan and just who and what needs to be covered by it will help you to decide what type works best for you and your family.

Graphics Cards

In order to interact with a computer (enter information and see the results) we need both an input device and an output device. We enter information with the keyboard, mouse, or microphone (to name a few), and the computer outputs sound and/or visuals.

CPU Basics

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is often described as the 'brain' of the computer. Perhaps describing it as the 'engine' may be more appropriate - it has no innate intelligence of its own, and more powerful CPUs cannot do more complex work; they simply work faster.

The Basics of Computer Memory

Computer memory is a storage area for both program code and data which is currently in use. Computer programs can write and retrieve information from memory in any order, allowing for fast data retrieval and manipulation.

How Link Pop Affects Your Websites Page Rank

Link popularity, sometimes referred to as "Link Pop," plays a very important role in determining a website's visibility among the top returned search results.

Why Link Farm and FFA Submissions Are a Bad Idea

Before search engines got smart, a site's page ranking was based on keyword match-ups. When webmasters stock-piled their sites with keywords, the wrong sites were getting too much attention.

Seven Things to Avoid When Looking For Link Partners

Designing a Reciprocal Link Campaign can be a tricky endeavor. As a webmaster, you must choose your linking partners wisely. Generally, a good rule of thumb is to ask yourself one question:

Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Sites Link Pop

Post comments in discussion groups and on message boards. Be sure to make useful, relevant statements based on topics being discussed. Comments that only contain a link will usually be deleted or banned. If you make valuable contributions, people will want to find out what else you have to say by visiting your site.

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