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Articles (31-40 of 154)

Choosing a Bed for Your Cat - The Perfect Place to Cat Nap

Are you tired of cat hair on the counters, footprints on the windowsills, and rumpled pillows? If so, you may want to consider giving your cat his own resting spot.

What is Acne

Acne is a common skin condition which most often appears during the teenage years. Commonly known as pimples, acne usually appears on the face but can also happen on other parts of the body such as the back, the shoulders, neck and chest.

Is Genital Acne for Real

What is commonly referred to as genital acne is actually a medical condition known as Hidradenitis Suppurativa.

Does Your Diet Really Affect Acne

Whether or not a person's diet affects the presence or absence of acne is one of life's greatest debates.

Acne and Makeup

OK, so your new acne medication promises fast results in 7 days, but you've got to put your best face forward today.

What Causes Acne

Acne is not fully understood, but we do know some of the biology behind it. The main culprit is the excess production of an oily substance called sebum whose function is to keep skin and hair lubricated and supple.

Aromatherapy Uses - Skin and Hair Care

More and more of today's skin and hair care products are made using essential oils and the people using these types of products are benefiting in several ways.

Aromatherapy and Carrier Oils

Carrier oils are an important part of aromatherapy. Carrier oils are mainly used to dilute essential oils.

Aromatherapy - Buying Products and Ingredients

Once you venture into the world of aromatherapy, you'll quickly realize that as with the many tantalizing scents, there are also numerous purchasing sources.

A Baby Shower is a Time for Celebration

Celebrating the upcoming arrival of a new baby is exciting but at the same time, it's often a situation in which both parents can feel much anxiety.

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