Protein and Potency

Date Added: July 24, 2015 10:26:07 AM
Author: Lolita
Category: Health: Men's Health

Every year the number of men who take care of their health and the figure becomes more and more. Beer and cigarettes are gradually being replaced by a healthy lifestyle and diet. Fitness center is becoming a very popular pastime, and now they appear almost everywhere, like mushrooms after rain.

Today, the term "sports nutrition" don’t impress anybody. Many people not only heard about it, but constantly use it in daily diet. However, despite the huge popularity of sports nutrition, including protein powder, it’s still shrouded in many myths and misconceptions.

One of the most common and incorrect beliefs of the protein, is the myth about the negative impact  of the protein on the potency. Professional athletes, bodybuilders and constantly consume huge portions of protein, resented such opinion. And attempts to prove the contrary, did not bring any results. And, in the end they are tired to prove the fallacy of this view. Well, if people believe that the protein affects the potency, let them think so...

Professional bodybuilders and their trainers think that such ill fame of protein powder first of all may be associated with steroids. Most of people equate the use of a protein to steroids which just have property negatively influence on man's potentiality and a libido. However, a high-quality protein never contained and does not contain in its composition additives influencing erection.

Nevertheless, at forums it is still very often possible to meet opinions of men who claim that reception of a protein negatively affected their potency.   But if the protein is really harmless, why there are opinions to the contrary? Experts explain it so:

The matter is that sports food may contain the soy protein containing a phytoestrogen which are very similar to female sexual hormones - an estrogen. However that a phytoestrogen from soy protein could work negatively on the man, it will be required to eat every day not less 20kg!!! of such protein (the content of phytoestrogens in soy is very small). But if you're still afraid of the influence of phytoestrogens on your body, you can buy whey protein, which is a byproduct in the manufacture of cheese. Such protein doesn't contain a phytoestrogen in the structure and it is considered the most qualitative and effective remedy for a set of muscle bulk. That is remarkable, several decades ago, the producers of cheese dumped a whey protein as production withdrawal.

The second reason is related to the weakening of potency is the so-called placebo effect. A person is deeply convinced of the harmful, or contrary to the healing effect on your body or something, then even a glass of pure water under the guise of "funds from all ills," can really help or hurt anyone, the main thing to trust in it. Therefore, this is not to happen, you shouldn't be too hypochondriac.
Third, and most major reason because of which could occur "reduced potency after consuming protein" - is incorrect or insufficient physical exercise recovery. Very often in gyms can observe the following: beginners try to execute for one training tens various exercises on all groups of muscles, carrying out in the sports hall till some hours in day, and training nearly on 5-6 times a week.

Such approach to trainings finally so exhausts "future bodybuilder" that about any normal potency already out of the question and if still such trainings are followed by reception of a protein, finally he becomes responsible for weakening of a potency. And not a daily mockery of his body, which leads eventually to the complete exhaustion. Therefore that such didn't happen, all has to be moderately. Training should be no longer than one hour and not more than two or three times a week. With this approach to the training process, no protein can not "hurt" male power, but on the contrary will only increase it.

So if you have no contraindications to the individual reception of the protein, with which may be idiosyncrasy, different kind of allergy to it, which are extremely rare, the technique of protein powder can become the irreplaceable assistant in fight for man's health and health of all organism in general.

If you still have problems with potency,  you shouldn't connect them with a protein, they can be easily cured and eliminate. Here you can purchase high-quality drugs for potency: Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Kamagra.


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